Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar or Unifans for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, June 19, 2015; 00:04 Tags 3D Animated Cersei_Lannister Game_of_Thrones Hazard3000 Source_Filmmaker Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments June 19, 2015; 00:37 - Reply mara: Shame! June 19, 2015; 07:01 - Reply skhul: shame shame June 19, 2015; 07:14 - Reply USAgent: Shame h a m e June 19, 2015; 16:23 - Reply AviaS: SHAMY SHAME! June 19, 2015; 22:51 - Reply UnderCoverFap: Well we couldn't that bitch to pose nude in GoT (seriously I hate actresses who use doubles), BUT we have her source model. Bless SFM. Oh yeah, SHAME! D:< *fapfapfap* June 20, 2015; 09:09 - Reply Anonymous1: @UnderCoverFap: Lena Headey isn't against nudity, but she was pregnant and covered in tattoos so they had to use one. August 9, 2015; 18:12 - Reply yosih: @undercoverfap oh, get over yourself. I don't care about tattoos or pregnancy. She doesn't have to be naked if she doesn't want to. October 16, 2015; 00:27 - Reply zshell: She did nudes in some movies when she was younger, problem is she didn't want to be naked because apparently her body went to shit. Still wouldn't mind if she did, lots be honest GoT bitches ain't exactly 10/10, dany is a fatty and the martel chick has no boobs Then again its a TV series, not pr0n (even if HBO wants it to be) November 24, 2015; 09:48 - Reply gendalf: @zshell in pr0n girls neither are perfect September 19, 2016; 08:14 - Reply Colonel_Mael_Radec: @zshell: When she was younger? She got nude as recently as 300, dude.
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Oh yeah, SHAME! D:<
Still wouldn't mind if she did, lots be honest GoT bitches ain't exactly 10/10, dany is a fatty and the martel chick has no boobs
Then again its a TV series, not pr0n (even if HBO wants it to be)
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